#1: Personal Introductions

Hello! My name is Regine Ong, a Visual Communication Design and Marketing minor student at San Francisco State University. When I'm not consumed in the Adobe Suite, you can find me tending to my collection of houseplants, catching up on a favorite TV show, reading a book, or looking for the next food spot I want to try next. I'm also very much passionate about the beauty world -- cosmetics and skincare specifically. Before I went back to school full time to earn my degree, I used to create Youtube Videos -- my previous primary form of creative expression. 

2) What Inspires/”WOWs” YOU? (provide an “inspirational” Quote)

“Fail. Learn. Grow.”

(to be honest I don't have a favorite inspirational quote, so I chose something that was simple but still relevant)

Over the past 2 years I've been inspired the most by my SFSU design peers. It has been rewarding coming to school everyday and witnessing their work start out as an idea and seeing the transition through to the "finished" product. I've had some of the same classmates since DES300 all the way through my final semester and it has been inspiring to see their growth over the past 4 semesters. My fellow designers inspire me to work harder, to push my personal thought process, and to be open to new ideas. Together, as designers (and humans), we've failed, learned, and grown.

3) Who, or What are your influences?

My boyfriend, Derrick. Yes, it's corny but couldn't be more true. Over the past 7 years, his patience, wisdom, and support has guided me through the highs and lows of my 20's. His insanely creative mind and spirit is what propelled me to get back to school after a long 5 year hiatus and he was there to help me every time I needed it. I am in continuous awe of his insane work ethic and constant yearning for knowledge and it inspires me to do the same.

My mom is also one of my biggest influences. Immediately after nursing school, she emigrated to Brooklyn, New York from the Philippines, leaving behind everything that she knew and loved. She was the youngest of 7 sisters, and was the first of her sisters to move to the United States to begin her new life. That leap of faith and bravery is already so inspiring for me, but of course there are many things that I could name off. As the matriarch of this family, she is the glue that keeps us together... the 3 kids, husband, and 3 dogs. I can only hope to grow up to be half the person that she is.

4) What is your Vision or HOPE in your life(time)? (academically; professionally; and/or socially

My dream job is to be apart of a creative team within the beauty industry. I want to assist brands with creating, executing, and maintaining the brand's identity. In addition, I'd like to work cross-functionally with the marketing and social media teams to track behaviors, trends, etc and use this information when designing new content.

5) Post 3-6 Image(s) that Best represents YOU and/or Your Vision(s)

This image of the Eames Case Study Home showcases several of my interests:mid-century modern style, books, and plants! I could categorize this as both as an image that represents me but also as an image that I'd like to manifest for my future self. 

As mentioned before I'd like to be apart of branding and identity work within the beauty industry. I want to be apart of the entire brand identity-- the product itself, the packaging, the website's online experience, in-store experience/environment, etc.

This picture is from my trip to the Philippines in 2017. Up until then, it was my first time visiting my family in over 10 years. Visiting the Philippines as an adult was truly a memorable and a humbling experience that I will never forget. This picture represents my love for traveling but also my Filipina roots.

6) Provide Six 3-6 “Key Words” that best describe You
Unrelenting, Determined, Organized, Goal-Oriented, Thorough, Thoughtful

Project Proposals

  1. Manilatown Heritage Foundation


Their mission is to promote social and economic justice for Filipinos in the United States. In addition, enhance the Filipino community’s capacity to shape social, political and economic policies.


  • Preserving Filipino history

  • Advocating for equal access

  • Advancing Filipino arts and culture 

        Their Values:

  • Bridging cultures and generations

  • Encouraging critical conversations within our community

  • Building community across generations by fostering cultural roots grounded in history and guided by love of community

  • Maintaining organizational integrity and respect

    Problem Need:

  • Promotional Graphics

  • Marketing/ Strategic Design

  • Brand Identity 

    Initial Project Proposal Ideas:

  • Marketing:

    • Youth focused target marketing

    • Create a stronger social media presence through consistent and curated posts using brand identity. 

    • Reach out to Filipinx “influencers” with similar values to help promote the Foundation / Foundation’s Instagram

    • Why the youth: 

    • IG Series Ideas:

      • Weekly spotlight on:

        • Filipino historical figures

        • Inspirational Filipino’s in the Bay Area Community

        • Filipinos Artists; past and present 

  • Brand Identity:

    • Brand refresh of current Manila Hotel logo

      • Logo should still be of Manila Hotel due to its rich and deep history but the logo could benefit if modernized a bit

      • Add color as well 

    • Website revamp with new branding identity 

  • Promotional Graphics

    • Community outreach graphics

    • Event graphics

    • Brochure

    • Instagram posts

  1. The Cosmetics Industry + The Need for Environmental Sustainability 


Today, consumers and companies alike are demanding more from their products. Not only exceptional quality, but a greater transparency of the origin and the residual impact a product has had on the environment. The cosmetics industry is seeing a green shift in their customers which has largely included “clean ingredients” however, there is a huge need for environmental sustainability. Most personal care items (e.g. deodorant, shampoo, lotion) are packaged in plastic. According to Forbes, the packaging industry for consumer product goods, which includes personal care and beauty products, generates more than $25 billion in sales worldwide each year (2019). The industry’s plastic footprint is enormous and needs to be addressed. Cosmetic companies need to act now and implement reduced (or completely go plastic free) plastic alternatives. 

Problem Need:

Awareness Campaign on the devastating environmental impacts of cosmetic companies and a call to action for the cosmetics industry to find greener packaging alternatives.

Initial Project Proposal Ideas:

  • Social Media Presence 

    • Instagram

      • Highlight companies that are already doing their part in environmental sustainability

      • Posts speaking on:

        • Sustainable alternatives for different categories of products

        • Other low-waste practices that can be done from home

        • Statistics and infographics to boost awareness

    • Twitter

    • Facebook

    • Website

  • Large scale Call to Action Posters in major cities

    • Addressed to:

      • Customers → to consider shopping with sustainable brands

      • Cosmetic companies → to invest / transition to reduced plastic alternatives

      • Legislation → create laws that cosmetic industries must abide by 

  1. Plants + their Mental and Emotional Health Benefits


According to researchers  Charles Hall and Melinda Knuth at Texas A&M University and published in the Journal of Environmental Horticulture, living in or near green spaces, and spending as much time as possible in both natural settings and cultivated gardens, can improve mood, reduce the negative effects of stress, encourage physical activity and other positive behaviors, improve cognition, reduce aggression, and enhance overall well-being in people of all ages under many different circumstances. As we are amidst a pandemic that requires us to mostly stay indoors, we must find ways to adjust this new way of life and the new stresses that come with working from home. Small changes that you can make within your home can make significant changes to improve the mental health during this stressful and turbulent time in history. 

Problem Need:

Awareness Campaign on the many benefits of having or being around plants to provide a mental-health sanctuary. As we are spending more time at home, our lifestyles have changed dramatically and the transition is not always smooth, especially mentally and emotionally.

Initial Project Proposal Ideas:

  • Social Media Presence 

    • Instagram

      • Highlight plants for beginners

      • How to care content

    • Website

  • Monthly or bimonthly plant subscription service

    • Perhaps includes other self-care items for the home

  • Educational events

    • Design invites / collateral 




  1. Hi Regene ! I love how down-to-earth your biography is. I really loved reading about your personal life and seeing how you're inspired by your everyday influences such as your boyfriend and mom (so cute!). I'm so excited to see the kind of work you put out this semester !

  2. Hey Regine! I think it's dope that you used to make Youtube videos! I've always wanted to try making travel vlogs myself, but I feel like it they would be really awkward haha. Aside from that, I think your goal of becoming a branding manager is awesome. I wish you the best of luck!

  3. Hi Regine! Really happy to have class with you again. I'm already a big fan of design work and aesthetic from DES 325 so I'm super excited to see what you create for your project <3


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