Week #1 6/16- 6/18 Lecture Takeaways

June 16, 2020:
On the first day of class we had our initial introductions with Professor Gomes and  the students. We spent our time going over the syllabus, course expectations, and a short review of the course book. The final thing we did was going through everyone's introductory blogger posts. It was nice seeing some familiar faces but also seeing new ones too. I thought this was a great way to start the course especially since we are working remotely all semester.

upcoming homework due for 6/18: comments on other student blog posts + critique and review of past projects (PDF presentation)

June 17, 2020:

Wednesday's lecture was eventful in that we were able to "meet" many of the individuals and groups that had project proposals for us to possibly execute. It was interesting to see the variety of projects that were available and it was lovely to be able to put a face to each project and organization. Some of the possible projects included: iconography for proper recycling of personal care products,  designing a bike rack for a school, marketing and social media for The Wear Movement, and much more.  I was inspired to see how passionate each other speakers were and I hope that we can make them proud. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's projects, but especially for those who decide to partner up with the speakers we met today.

After the presentations we were paired up for a group activity titled, "An Introduction to Design Thinking". I was paired up with Alexis, an ID major who I previously didn't know. We had a good time getting to know one another and navigating through the exercise. I was excited to learn that we were the same age because I haven't really met anyone else in the design school that's in their late 20's (; This exercise was meant to give us an idea of the design thinking and process we will be executing during this course and in our future design careers. Although and I were a little confused about the activity at first, I think after we got the hang of it... we were able to find the proper solutions after giving and receiving feedback.

homework due 6/17: critique and review of past projects (PDF presentation)

June 18, 2020:

This lecture started out with a review of a past project by Professor Gomes. I'm always really interested in seeing my professors work because it gives me glimpse into their design thinking and style. I also thought it was interesting to see a project that was completed before computers...I'm trying to imagine what it was like to be a designer without a computer and honestly it scares me a little (: We also went over some of the different project proposals and reviewed the critiques of the past projects.

here are the 3 past projects that I reviewed:

homework due 6/23: read for quiz + do quiz, assignment#4: project proposals, problem/purpose statements, environment, etc. *only need 1 justification statement*


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