Last Day of Class!

Here are my final designed solutions for my Senior Capstone Project!

The first image is the Program of the event. I made sure to include a Program as one of my assets so that the reader could get an idea of the intentions behind the event. Ideally, the event would be digitized to carry the sustainable message of the event, but for mock up purposes I went with a paper representation.

The second and third image are promotional posters that would ideally be marketed in high traffic areas (digitally) such as a shopping center, BART or other public transportation spots.

Images 4-6 are apart of the Instagram post assets.
One set, Meet the introduces the 3 Influencer panel. Through out the week each person would be introduced and the images presented would be the first image of the slide.  The next few images would have been additional facts and images of the influencer.

There is also the Meet the Industry Leaders set and Facts and Tips.  This set of posts are intended to target the non-attendees of the event. The post shares a fact, or a “problem” but also provides an actionable solution for the user.

And finally, the last image is a set of branding posters that market the key objectives or goals of the Beyond Beauty Event.

Overall, this project was a lot of fun. It was challenging in that there was a lot of ground to cover in such a limited 8 week period, but I think with the time given, I feel okay with how everything turned out. If I were to spend a little more time on this project I would strengthen the branding aspect of the brand a little more, as well do more research on the government policies that are in currently in place regarding packaging. The research process was fairly intensive and showed me how truly important it is to do your research, and how to use that research to back up your solution. In addition, I really enjoyed working with my panel of experts especially since they all varied in their backgrounds and expertise.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog over these past few weeks!


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