WEEK #2: 6/23 Lecture Takeways

Today's lecture included a schedule overview for next few weeks which includes: personas and scenarios, project timeline, survey + questionnaires, and quiz #1. We also reviewed Butch and + Kim's "Design Thinking Review" exercise from last week. This exercise has great significance as it mirrors the process in which we will be executing our capstone projects. We then went over my Assignment #4 submission with the class. I got a lot of useful feedback from Professor Gomes and a couple of connections that I could use for information, Caroline Chu and Vy Ngyuen's 505 project. I especially was able to get some better insight on my Users, Stakeholders and Beneficiaries section-- I needed to narrow down and be more specific for example, for beneficiaries, I could have said ocean creatures,  Recology, Waste Management,  sorting facilities, and landfills,  instead of just "the environment/ mother earth". 

here are a few images of my 3 project proposals assignment:

Other takeaways:
  • We also touched on journey maps which is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal.
  • The Stanford Rebuild Project: An 8 week guided innovation sprint
  • Quiz #1 review: research is cyclical --> reflect, read, and question, focus on clarity, review on focus, analyzing the data: what does it mean, what's significant in your findings?
homework due for tomorrow: 6 personas + start thinking about "day in the life" activities


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